Two Fun Mother’s Day Crafts

Hey guys! I’m back! I have not seen you for so long! I hope you are having a good day! Today I will teach you how to make two fun Mother’s Day crafts! Mother’s Day is getting close, and I don’t have a gift for my mom! First, I will teach you how to make a frame for your mom! First, you need some fun colored popsicle sticks. Line them up in a row, and then cover them with glue.

IMG_1Next, you will need to cut a piece of paper. The width should be less than a popsicle stick, but the length should be longer than the popsicle sticks lined up.  After that, you put a googly eye at the far left of the paper. It will stand for I as in I Love You. Next, You paint a heart next to the googly eye. It will stand for the Love In I Love You. Finally, you paint a U next to the heart. The U stands for the You in I Love You. I  painted the word mom at the far right corner, but you don’t have to put it there. By the way, you do not have to follow every step I am telling you, but I am telling you the steps to lead you in the right direction. IMG_6311Then, you will have to hot glue (or regular glue, but hot glue is better, way better) two popsicle sticks on the back to make it stand up.IMG_6312 You can also put magnets on the back to put it on your fridge. I would do that, but my fridge is not magnetic. Well, you are done with the first project! On to the next craft! In this craft we will need a pipe cleaner, letter beads, and your love for your mom.IMG_6324.JPG

First, put beads on so they say I Love U. (I put I heart U with a heart bead.) Then put a bead after it to separate I Love You from the other stuff. Next put Mom after the bead. Keep repeating the steps until the pipe cleaner is full. Tie the pipe cleaner together and try it on. It will probably be to big for you, but it might be the perfect size for your mom. IMG_6318That is all! Have an amazing day! See you soon! Bye!



how to make a collage for kids

How to Make an Epic Collage

Hey readers! Its me Lucy Marashian! So the topic of today is…. collages! Lets get started!

how to make a collage for kids

So first, whenever making collages you need paper. I would use card stock or hard colored paper. Then, you get all of your materials. I used…

tape and markers

  • glue
  • tape (we all need tape don’t we?)
  • straws
  • Paper (to cut up + you need it for the base)
  • googly eyes
  • pom poms
  • feathers
  • and more!


Guys, all of the materials are optional and you DO NOT have to use them. 


Third step, put it all together. Glue, stick, make tape bracelets… Wait, no tape bracelets, unless you want some…. Nevermind. While we are waiting for the glue to dry what do you think my next blog post should be about? Post it down below in the comments. OK glue is dry, so now you hang it up and show it off. Here is mine! 

collage art project for kids

DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT! I will ask Theo what he thinks about art. He said, “Pretend school is fun.” You do not have to make the collage look pretty because all art looks different for everyone. One of my favorite things to see in a collage is texture. Who knows, you may have the same liking in art as other people, but its okay to have preferences. Here is a clue for one of my ideas on a blog post.

Ruff ruff guys! (bye bye guys!)

Paint Fun

Hello, everyone! Today we are going to have a special guest. He will be on very soon. He will tell you about what he did with painting, but first, I will tell you about painting.

There is a very fun way to make some lanterns. First, you get plastic cups. I’m guessing you know what to do. No? You don’t know what to do?

First step: Get paint.

paint 6


Second step: Get paintbrushes.

paint 4


Third step: Get those plastic cups I told you about.

Fourth step: Paint them.

paint 2


Then, buy plastic candles. Put tape on the plastic candle and then tape it to the bottom of the cup. Wait for the paint to dry first!

paint 1


Do you know what inspired me to make this? My school had a fun art night. We got to make very fun projects which you can see below.

art Collage


Okay, here comes our guest…. Theo! Oh, I guess Theo is busy. I guess I’ll just show you these pictures! Oh, and by the way, this is Theo.

paint 3

paint 5

Bye, everyone, and I hope you have a fun time making your own lanterns!

What to Do Instead of Watching TV

Hi, everyone! I’m back today. Did you know a few days ago it was the day my blog started?! So it’s my first anniversary!

Today I’m going to talk about…. don’t you know from my last post? Okay, okay, fine. I’ll tell you. Dun.. dun..dun..dun… It is called What to Do Instead of Watching TV.

I have a new dog! I have a  new idea. You can play with your dog instead of watching t.v.! (My dog is named Rufus. I will tell you more about him later.)

So another thing to do is build a fort for your animals. It’s fun!

You can play the piano.


Around Christmas time you can make stories about your ornaments. I have a story about one of my ornaments I got last year. All I did was buy this How to Train Your Dragon 2 ornament. This year I got a puppy love ornament because I got a new dog. (He is eight months now. I’m sorry I keep talking about my dog.)

Now another way to do something is if you have a brother or sister you can play with them. It’s actually pretty fun. My brother sometimes doesn’t play with me or refuses to play with me.

And you can also play a card game or board game with your mom or dad.

You can play outside. It’s fun playing outside a lot. I used to have a play structure. In my front yard I have a tree you can run around really fast in a circle. (How many words do I have already?)


I’m kind of tired right now. Right now I’m going to tell you another thing to do. Reading. I read almost every night. I read almost every night, but sometimes I’m too tired.


Or you can clean. But my brother would not choose cleaning. Every time he has to clean, he says he’s too tired, which is an excuse.

You can make pretty artwork. It can be of something or just something you think up.


You can also make your stuffed animals talk. I do that a lot. You can have parties in your bed.

You can chase your dog if he has a stuffed animal in his mouth.

Wait. Do I hear something? We have a special guest! It’s my turtle, Rosie! Rosie, do you have anything to say?

“What are you talking about?”

I’m talking about what to do instead of watching t.v. What do you like to do instead of watching t.v.?

“I hide in my shell and eat ice cream.”

Thank you, Rosie.

Or you can write little letters to your Elf.

You can also sleep instead of watching t.v.


You might have to sometimes watch t.v. when you go to the movies. But, that’s okay. You shouldn’t watch it a lot though.

Bye! I’m going to miss you! I hope you like my next blog post. I don’t know what it’s about yet though.

Pretend School

Hello, everyone! Today I would like to tell you about pretend school.


That is Theo. He is silly sometimes.


The marble run is recess. You have to have recess or it won’t be like school. I wonder if all schools have recess?


You can teach the people who are doing the pretend school math and other stuff for school.


You can also see Stuffed Animal School, but that is the class pet. Her name is Tabitha. She likes kids. If you’re teaching older kids, you should have older kid books. If you’re teaching younger kids, you should have younger kid books. The younger kid books you should do “Pete’s a Pizza” and different books. Maybe you could get library books so it looks like there’s a library at your school.


Theo is learning math and he’s looking in his book. He drew the picture. He likes it.


Theo really really wants to see you, and the next blog post is about what to do instead of watching tv.

3 Things to Do with Stuffed Animals

stuffed animals

The players today…

Hi, everyone! Today we are going to learn about what to do with stuffed animals!

I have a special guest today. Her name is……. Majestic! She would like to speak a few words to you:

“Down below in the deep blue sea is where you can look to find me. A sight you’ve never seen before, I sparkle on the ocean floor.”

The three things you can do are:

1. You can make a fort your animals.

2. You can let them have parties for their birthdays.

3. And sometimes they just like to hangout, so you could play with them when you play pretend school. (P.S. My next blog post is going to be about pretend school.)

What to Do with Stuffed Animals

What to Do with Stuffed Animals

So these are the people who volunteered to do this picture: Majestic, Baby Lulu, Big Rarity, Little Rarity, Peanut, Ollie, Peanut, Ellie, and Fluttershy!

These are the places I used for my stuffed animals:

2 lucy

This is the stuffed animal fort I’m going to show you now. It’s not exactly a fort, but kinda like it.

4 lucy

The last thing I want to tell you is Majestic has another thing to tell you, ” I was in the blog post, and we have one special picture left. Oh, I forgot one thing, I hope you like the blog post!”

5 lucy

Bye Bye!

Majestic: “Guess what! In one of the pictures Lucy chose my pink!”

Painting with Your Family

Hello, everyone. It’s nighttime. I just wanted to tell you about… yawn… painting.

I’m tired tonight. Oh, I have to get back! 

This is called Painting with Your Family. I painted with my brother, Theo. You might see my brother Theo painting in the pictures. He’s good at painting. You can paint whatever you want!


yawn…..zzzz…. What happened?! What happened?!

So if you want to paint a picture you need the droppy things. They’re called eye droppers. Then you will need watercolors. But not the kind where you use a paintbrush, liquid watercolor.

First you squeeze the eye dropper into a paint and then you put it over a piece of paper and then you  squeeze it, let go, and squeeze it again.

I’m tired right now. Okay, let’s get back…

You can use whatever colors you want. Sometimes you need paper towels. If you do, put it over your paper and take it off really quickly. If you don’t, then most of it will go away and you can’t see it good.

paper towel

So then you should paint it again. But, if not, just do it really quick. You can also make paintings with your paper towels.

zzzz…. Hey! I’m back! Is it the next morning? Um, I don’t think so because it’s dark outside. Okay, here we go…

So as I was saying, you use an eye dropper to put it on paper. Then you lay it outside. If you don’t you will probably get paint in the house. If your hands get messy, go wash them. I had to do that.

So make sure there’s not water near it. If it gets water on it, all the color will go away.


You can also do other art on How to Make a Paper Book for Your Brother or Sister.

I’m tired. Is it time to go to bed yet? Okay, let’s end this…

Bye- bye! Zzzzzzzzzzz

Lost Tooth Lucy

Hey! Have you lost a tooth? I have. Would you like me to tell you the story of how I lost my teeth?

Here is the story of how I lost my first tooth. Once upon a time Lucy was climbing down from her bunk bed, swishing the spit in her mouth. Then, in on second, her tooth fell out! She brought it to school. She got a tooth necklace. Then at night, she put it under her pillow. Then the tooth fairy came and gave her one golden dollar and a toothbrush.

Here is my next story. Once upon a time Lucy was playing with her brother, Theo. She was under a blanket saying, “Cranky creek.” Then her tooth fell out! The tooth fairy gave Lucy two dollars. I have not spent them.

Here goes my last story. Once upon a time Lucy was wiggling her tooth. She kept wiggling it and wiggling it. Then she went in the bathroom, got some toilet paper, and touched her tooth with the toilet paper. Then it fell out! The tooth fairy gave her two golden dollars. It was her first top tooth.

This is a picture of me holding my tooth.


Want to see another picture of me smiling? Oh, you might see blood is in my mouth. Never mind the blood.


I have a tooth pillow named Toothy. You can see her in Stuffed Animal School. You can go see her now. Wait! Don’t go! I have to tell you one thing. Can I tell you a fact about sharks? Sharks can lose can lose 1000 teeth in their lifetime. Bye!

Stuffed Animal School

This is my stuffed animal school. Choose more than one animal to have school. Look at all my stuffed animal friends!

stuffed animal school

I have two groups.  We have Legos. One group did the Legos first. This is what both groups made.

lego collage

The second group go to do tape measuring. I finger knitted this. All of my stuffed animals loved it! The stuffed animals figured out how many of them they needed to fill the thing up. Peachy needed three Peachies to get to the end of it.

ss8This is just like my stuffed animal parade!

I’m going to show you where my stuffed animals go for learning globe time. I have a tent for my bed. All my animals go in it.


This is where they go. Do you have a globe? I hope you do! It’s okay if you don’t- just pretend you do. I’ll show you a picture of a globe.


Isn’t it pretty? That’s Antarctica on the bottom. Should I tell you guys a little bit about the globe? Can you see Australia? Can you see the Indian Ocean?

Tell all your stuffed animal where places are. Ask your stuffed animals where’s their favorite place to go.

We sung the ABC song and counted to ten. Pluto had a little trouble counting to ten. He went like this, “1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 6, 7, 1000.”

I’m sorry guys, but this post is over. See you next time!

Puppy Playground

Hello, everyone who’s reading this. I’m going to show you how to make a playground for a Lego puppy.

Lego Puppy Playground

This is my puppy’s dog house. You can take the roof off. There’s a red food bin next to it.

Lego puppy playground

There’s a sword in a basket. It’s like the sword in the stone except there’s a rock under it.

Lego puppy playground

This is my dog. I opened the roof to show you him in his doghouse.

Lego puppy playground

This is my little twirly thing. It lifts up stairs. My puppy’s been twirling it and twirling it to see if there’s anything under the stairs. The puppy climbs the stairs and jumps into the pink basket.

Lego puppy playground

This is my little dryer and hot bathtub for my dog, and I have a towel near my bathtub.

Lego puppy playground

This is the sign to confuse humans to think that’s a store. But know what it really is? It’s a…. dog house!

Lego puppy playground

Wah. I don’t the time to be over. I want to tell you more things. But, it is over so I’ll tell you something else. The End